• TV
  • Wi-Fi
  • 24 hrs
  • Kitchen
  • Safe
  • Storage
  • Free
  • Dorms

[ci-button size=”small” scheme=”blue” icon=”fa-tag” url=”/backpackers-hostel-valencia/presentation/”]Overview[/ci-button][ci-button size=”small” scheme=”blue” icon=”fa-picture-o” url=”/backpackers-hostel-valencia/home-backpackers-valencia-pictures/”]Gallery[/ci-button][ci-button size=”small” scheme=”blue” icon=”fa-location-arrow” url=”/backpackers-hostel-valencia/backpackers-center-valencia/”]Location[/ci-button][ci-button size=”small” scheme=”blue” icon=”fa-bed” url=”/backpackers-hostel-valencia/backpackers-rooms/”]Rooms[/ci-button][ci-button size=”small” scheme=”blue” icon=”fa-group” url=”/backpackers-hostel-valencia/backpackers-groups-valencia/”]Groups[/ci-button][ci-button size=”small” scheme=”blue” icon=”fa-commenting-o” url=”/backpackers-hostel-valencia/reviews/”]Reviews[/ci-button][ci-button size=”small” scheme=”blue” icon=”fa-street-view” url=”/backpackers-hostel-valencia/virtual-tour/”]Virtual 360º[/ci-button][ci-button size=”small” scheme=”blue” icon=”fa-video-camera” url=”/backpackers-hostel-valencia/home-backpacker-valencia-videos/”]Videos[/ci-button]

Home Backpackers Hostel it’s a youth hostel located in downtown Valencia, in the Barrio del Carmen (del Carmen neighborhood), 15 minutes from the train and bus station.

Looking for a hostel in Valencia? Then come to Home Backpackers Hostel!
It’s a youth hostel located in downtown Valencia, in the Barrio del Carmen (del Carmen neighborhood), 15 minutes from the train and bus station.

It’s a very colorful and friendly hostel, with spacious dorms and lots of sunlight. It has a big room where you can relax, have a beer and talk to your friends, or even make new ones.

Come to Home Hostels, the best chain of cheap hostels in Valencia.



Presentation Home Backpackers